Tomorrow's skills-based training starts today

A platform for personalized, modular education for re- and upskilling.


By making further re- or upskilling concrete and personal, MyLeaves closes the gap between supply and demand in the labor market.

A passport to your skills

Myleaves brings employer, trainer and employee closer together with a personal skills passport.

This records transferable skills from work or education in a generic, recognized way so that everyone speaks the same language.

Mapping your capabilities

By comparing the developed skills with the required skills of job profiles from different sectors, employees get a broader picture of their position in the labor market. And by adding personality and motivations, possible development paths become concrete and personal.

Personal learning paths

Skills yet to be developed can be acquired at recognized and accredited institutions according to a modular training model. In this way, everyone has their own learning path and gets certified for their achieved skills.

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Support on every step

Flexible competency model

MyLeaves' skills profiles are designed to clearly capture a broad spectrum of learning outcomes and competencies and embraces international standards such as ONET, ESCO EQF and ECF.

Plug and play platform

Myleaves is a cloud-based SaaS platform. It is ready to use and requires no technical knowledge, installation or maintenance. Just add your courses and you're ready to go.

A candidate's own dashboard

Tangible progress

Whether learning one specific skill or completing an entire pathway, MyLeaves shows candidates exactly how far along they are and how far they still have to go on their journey.

Helps when needed

Not everyone knows immediately which career path suits them. Through insights into motivation, interests, personality and cognitive abilities, Myleaves helps participants and educators navigate their journey.


Modern foundation for skills-based training

Myleaves offers trainers a ready-to-use framework for the transition to demand-driven modular training.

Roadmap for transformation

The MyLeaves team has extensive experience with the transition to modular demand-driven training, and offers trainers and employers support with a concrete roadmap and knowledge at this stage.

The same wavelength

By continuously working closely with trainers and employers, MyLeaves speaks a language that both parties understand. This creates greater mutual trust and better matches supply and demand.


Skills-based training as crucial factor for success of Make IT Work, retraining to IT Sector

Our mission: to reduce labor shortages by identifying the gap and closing it with purposeful education.